Thursday, April 7, 2011

Going Back Home As A Child to Cheyenne River....

One of my first memories of going home to Cheyenne River-Eagle Butte, South Dakota was pulling up at my Fathers Mothers home, Grandmother Fielders house, and asking, Who lives in this shack, and my Father replied...Your Grandmother!
As a 3 year old child, we say what we think, respond to what we see...that is the beauty of a child, their innocence to situations outside their understanding.
My Father, Calvin Dupree, Tetuwan Minneconjou Lakota, later in his life, Professor of Native Studies at the U of Lethbridge, in Lethbridge, Alberta, spent most of our 1958 South Dakota Dupree family vacation with his hand firmly placed over my mouth to keep me from blurting out the obvious, the dire situation my Lakota people still live in to this day, 53 years after my first visit to our Cheyenne River Reservation.
I had, as this 3 year old child, no understanding of what it was to live with burned out cars, garbage everywhere, lawlessness, drunkardness, sexual & physical abuse, lack of education, poor access & quality of food, a lack of industry, the complete & utter despair that most of my fellow Lakota children experience daily.
Though there are a few exceptions, they are however today very, very few & far between within the confines of reservation life & their 3rd World existance.
There is also the stigma then & today of being an outsider among your own Lakota people, a half-breed, not a full-blood Lakota, if your Lakota family had the chance & desire to get away from all the abuses, & have a better life for you, than what they had with Rez school experiences of molestations & punishments by the church employees, the teachers, Fathers & Sisters, who were given the task of defeathering the Indian in you, your parents, and their parents before you.
To assemulate all of you & your Lakota brothers & sisters into American Society, with their (lack) morals & values, everything so very much different than your own way of being.
Your Sacred Tetuwan Lakota language was forbidden, if you were caught retaining it & speaking it, you were severly punished, along with any Lakota faith you had, or were taught by your Lakota Spiritual Elders or Grandparents.
I took all the good from my Tetuwan people, and left behind all the bad.
The Lakota people who follow the black road of AIM today, who say my own Tetuwan people do not recognize me as one of their own, do not.... because it does not serve them to do so, from their false teachings they were taught by their false leaders of AIM, who took over our Tetuwan Nation, culture & spirituality, when we Tetuwans still had honor & dignity of our Ancestors & Elders, basically before AIM came into our lives.
All the corruption & lies our Tetuwan people tell & do today, is nothing like the true Tetuwans I remember & were mentored by, like Frank Fools Crow, John Fire Lame Deer, my Uncle Chauncey Dupris, Phil Lane Sr and Beatrice Medicine, Katy Fools Crow & Grandmother Fielder.
Grandmother Fielder, who lived in the house that I thought was a shack, when I first saw it as a three year old, & spoke of what I saw.
It did not matter what they lived in, how much money they had, what they drove, it was who they were & what they represented, their truth & honor, nothing like we are left with as Tetuwan Lakota people today.
I promised I would honor the memory, values, & teachings of these good true Tetuwan people, & this I will continue to do...
They were who we really are, not as who we are represented as today by Academia, AIM, or Arvol Looking Horse, the corrupt Tribal elected, none of these people are who we were, when we were chosen to carry the gift of the Cannunpa Wakan by Creator & his daughter, Whope, who became White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman with her time on Mother Earth, & with us as a people.
I pray everyday with the Cannunpa Wakan she taught the Chiefs to make, that somehow we again find as a Nation of People, our way back onto the Good Red Road.
Looking Back Woman-HakiktaWin-Suzanne Dupree
April 7, 2011

34-day Occupation at the Porcupine Elderly Meals Building by Lakota (AIM) Activists Ends… | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

34-day Occupation at the Porcupine Elderly Meals Building by Lakota (AIM) Activists Ends… Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Congressional Reform Act of 2011 | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Congressional Reform Act of 2011 Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

New info on FaceBook & Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree ... on Twitpic

New info on FaceBook & Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree ... on Twitpic Wilbur A Riegerts first book.... I am a Sioux Indian (1967), the truth about the Seven Council Fires, Martha Bad Warrior, & the White Buffalo Calf Pipe!!! See the connection between the curator of the Wounded Knee Museum (1973), & allottment agent at the Cheyenne River Agency & the Dupree-Dupris family!!! Also Fredrick Dupuis along with his Minneconjou Tetuwan Lakota wife, Mary Good Elk Woman, & their children saved the last of the buffalo, so the prophesy of White Buffalo Calf Pipe Womans return to the people could happen, no buffalo, no return!!! See the pics on

Libyan Military Strikes | Illuminati Connection to the Date March 19

Illuminati run This Town - Chris Geo Remix

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Museum info pertaining to the Calf Pipe gathered & assemb... on Twitpic

Museum info pertaining to the Sacred Calf Pipe gathered & assemb... on Twitpic This South Dakota Museum information was gathered & assembled by John Smith along with Raymond Demallie in tow, when they tried to see & record what ALH, & the relatives of Lucy Looking Horse were stating was the original White Buffalo Calf Pipe fraudulently to the public since Martha Bad Warriors death in 1936, & after Lucy Looking Horses own death in 1966. Wilbur Riegerts first book I am a Sioux Indian was published in 1967 with the correct information on the Sacred Calf Pipe. Riegerts second book, Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee was published in 1975, a year & a half after the Seige at Wounded Knee when AIM tried to destroy all this information recorded & kept by Riegert & the Lakota Elders, such as Frank Fools Crow and his Uncle, Nicolas Black Elk, who were passed the Sacred Calf Pipe from Andrew Dupris, after Martha Bad Warrior had passed the Sacred Calf Pipe to Andrew for safekeeping until It could be with passed to the proper Lakota Spiritual Elders to protect It, & Its Legacy from harm or abuse. It is also recorded Martha Bad Warrior hid the Sacred Calf Pipe within her own clothing, close to her body while she was alive, to protect It from being taken from her by her family without her permission. After interviewing Raymond Demallie extensively about the Smiths recorded Museum documentation-information in January 2009, when Demallie came to stay with Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree-HakiktaWin at her home, with his assistant David, on Vancouver Island, (Duncan B.C.) arriving from the U of Indiana & the American Indian Studies Research Institute, Demallie stated even though he & Smith had jumped through all the hoops given them by the Looking Horses, their relatives, Joe Thin Elk & his daughter, Belva Jack, Smith nor Demallie never did get to see what the Looking Horses were representing as the original White Buffalo Calf Pipe, rather Smith & Demallie were given a drawing of the Cannunpa Wakan instead. It is very hard to present to the Lakota people or academics something you do not have, and never have had...ei, Marie Elk Head UTube video info that Arvol never was passed the Sacred Calf Pipe or was chosen to represent the Lakota people as 19th Generation White Buffalo Calf Pipe Keeper, this is fraud & a hoax by AIM & Arvol Looking Horse & his family, & against the will & desire of the Tetuwan Lakota Elders & people of his own Nation. It was during this period of research (late 1960s-early 1970s) on Demallies part, that he chose, he told Looking Back Woman- Suzanne Dupree-HakiktaWin, of his decision to overlook both of Riegerts books, pics & documentation about the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, choosing to believe, though never proven to Demallie by any actual verification or irrefutable proof that the Looking Horse family were the Keepers of the Sacred Calf Pipe, and that Arvol Looking Horse was authenic & actually the 19 Generation White Buffalo Calf Pipe Keeper. Of which Arvol Looking Horse continues to refuse to show any verification now or proof of his fraudulent position as Keeper, to his own Tetuwan Lakota people, that this information is valid or correct, that has been given to the SmithsonianInstitute & to the World.

The Cannunpa held in Old Man Elk Heads arms was given to Look... on Twitpic

The Cannunpa held in Old Man Elk Heads arms was given to Look... on Twitpic Look around Elk Heads neck, it is a cross of Jesus. This is why Martha did not pass the White Buffalo Calf Pipe to someone in Martha Bad Warriors family, why Martha felt her Family was unworthy to carry the White Buffalo Calf Pipe. Everything I state, can be proven. Martha Bad Warrior was murdered by her own family because she refused to pass the White Buffalo Calf Pipe to her to her own family, the Looking Horse family never was passed it, ever!!! Read Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee, & read whom Martha did pass the WBCP to. Learn the truth that has been kept from you, and academia refuses to acknowledge!

Woman in behind Martha Bad Warrior with her arms crossed is L... on Twitpic

Woman in behind Martha Bad Warrior with her arms crossed is L... on Twitpic The Smithsonian & Raymond Demallie have some serious apologizing to do to the Tetuwan-Lakota people, the Riegerts, the International Communities & the World, for perpetuating these lies & misconceptions. And, corrections to these lies & misrepresentations at the Smithsonian Institute need to be made academically asap, to stop this fraud-hoax of the century of Arvol Looking Horse & AIM from continuing with Phil Lane Jrs support in Canada currently!!! This false-incorrect information has harmed the Lakota people, the International Communities, and the Wounded Knee towns victims-people, who were held hostage for 77 days while their homes & Wounded Knee Museum was ransacked, their possessions & artifacts stolen by AIM, their children molested, and the unknowing public who came to support who they thought AIM was, (because of the way the media mistakenly represented AIM), who were murdered & their remains never found, need compensation for these crimes of MURDER, RAPE, THEFT, LIES & 40 years of PROPAGANDA within the media, academia, and film protrayals that AIM & ALH are authentic & worthy to represent the Tetuwan people to the World. This is a prime example why actual authenic Tetuwan Spiritual Leaders need to write their own Tetuwan history, instead of relying on academics who just never took the time to get it right, or after they found out the truth, made NO effort to correct it, instead choosing to protect their positions & careers within academia at the expense of the Tetuwan people. The other victims of this fraud-hoax is unknowing public, who donated their hard earned money in the form of donations to support this fraud-hoax since Martha Bad Warrior died in Oct. 1936, at the hands of her own Looking Horse family, because Martha told all assembled in Aug 1936 in front of Wilbur Riegert, who recorded this information for Martha, that NO ONE IN HER FAMILY WAS WORTHY TO CARRY THE WHITE BUFFALO CALF PIPE, BECAUSE MARTHAS FAMILY WAS BECOMING CHRISTIANIZED!!! This truth from Martha Bad Warrior cost her, her life just short of a hundred years of age!!

This woman is Lucy Looking Horse misrepresentated by the Smithsonian as Martha Bad Warrior... on Twitpic

This woman is Lucy Looking Horse misrepresentated by the Smithsonian as Martha Bad Warrior... on Twitpic

This woman is Arvol Looking Horses Grandmother, Lucy Looking Horse, who began the White Buffalo Calf Pipe Fraud by the Looking Horse family & the American Indian Movement, when Lucys relatives, Joe Thin Elk & Belva Jack gave Raymond Demallie a photo that Wilbur Riegert took of Martha Bad Warrior in Aug 1936 with the incorrect provenance accompanying the photo.
This photo Demallie donated to the Smithsonian with the wrong provenance provided by Looking Horses relatives to enable this hoax & fraud of the century!
It was the same photo that Wilbur took & had copyright for, that the Smithsonian sold for the last 40 years with the incorrect information accompanying the photograph that has enabled the Looking Horse fraud-hoax to continue and perpetuate to control Tetuwan spiritual history for the American Indian Movements personal enrichment.
Demallie, in the 1960-1970s decided to overlook Wilbur A. Riegerts books, I am a Sioux Indian (1967), & Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee (1975), and by doing so has enabled the greatest historic fraud-hoax to date, that Arvol Looking Horse is the 19th Generation White Buffalo Calf Pipe Keeper, which the Marie Elk Head Fiddler Utube video tells the real truth... that the Cannunpa Wakan, the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, was never passed to the Looking Horse family because they were becoming Christianized. (Quote by Martha Bad Warrior Aug. 1936 to Wilbur Riegert to record for all time).
This information is documented clearly, along with the Dupree familys participation in protecting the Legacy of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe in Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee for over a century. Which is in this manuscript that was attempted to be destroyed by the American Indian Movement during the Seige of Wounded Knee in 1973, when they took over Wilbur Riegerts trailer home as AIMs security headquarters.
So AIM could change & control Tetuwan Spiritual History presented to the world, and enable along with Raymond Demallie & the Smithsonian, that Arvol Looking Horse is the 19th Generation WBCP Keeper fraudulently without any truth or provable merit involved in this horrible & damaging to the Tetuwan Lakota people lie!!!

John Fire Lame Deer, Calvin Dupree, Suzanne Dupree and others... on Twitpic

John Fire Lame Deer, Calvin Dupree, Suzanne Dupree and others... on Twitpic