Sunday, May 22, 2011

Russell Means, AIM leader, former Disney employee...ENEMY OF AMERICA!!!

Russell Means, former Disney employee...enemy of America!!!

Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree | May 22, 2011 at 10:42 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

 Heard this afternoon, on a video put out by Russell Means that he is making his way to the 10th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, United nations (May 18th- May 27th) in New York to connect with several foreign missions, Russia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Iran, Serbia and a sixth one.
He has evidently picked the nations that most oppose the United States or squarely wish us ill. He will make his case to them as to the legality of his stance to declare the Lakota nation independent from the US , which he declared having seceded from the US A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO.
His declaration made me sick through my stomach. I deeply felt a sense of revulsion for what he is saying and doing: he once told me in 2003 that he would rejoice at the demise of the United States,(which he said should be brought about from within) and when I heard him say that at the time, I lost all feelings of empathy for the man.
Means essentially declared himself an ENEMY of the US.
Is there not anything that can be done to prevent Means from soliciting support from the Russians, the Iranians, and their ilks?
Means does not speak for the Lakota people, and has no mandate to do so, even though Means will go to those foreign UN missions, and pretend to speak for "his Tetuwan people."
Is impersonating an official of an Indian nation not a legal issue?
Could Means not be arrested for what he is doing, i.e. soliciting alliances with FOREIGN countries to overthrow the government of the US over part of its territory, as citizen of the US ?
We who know Means, who he is & his blood quantum & tribal affiliations think the man is vile....& want these questions posed here answered by Obama & law enforcement immediately!!
Thank-you to the person who posed this issue, & for it being sent to me for discussion on this forum-blog...
Russell Means is NOT even a Lakota, though he has said he is since AIM began its reign of terror against Native people in North America, despite their propaganda stating otherwise.
AIM, its leaders, supporters, & enabling public & International Communities, liberals, media, academia & Hollyweird need to be accountable for their involvement-enablement in this hoax, false representation, & fraud of Arvol Looking Horse & the American Indian Movement, making them into heros, role models & political prisoners, when they are nothing more than a group of domestic, urban terrorists... who should be treated as Bin Laden recently was...a threat to the American way of Life & its safety of its citizens.

1 comment:

  1. This just in from a lady, she used to set up funds for impoverished Indians and worked with Russell Means, Dennis Banks, and Floyd Hand Jr, all white haters, she says.

    Threatened to kill her if they didn’t turn over the money….in her own words!!!

    I recently had a very nasty exchange of messages with Russell Means, when I commented upon one of his UTube videos in which he perorated about matriarchy and the raising of children among Lakota people.

    I remarked that he had neglected his children all his life (I know a great deal about that, including this past month ) and abused all the women around him, (wives, girlfriends and others) and that therefore he had no business admonishing others about such matters. His response, in private, was virulent , even indecent.

    I finally let him have it , (also in a private message) and in answer to his racist comments directed towards me, I let him know that way back in the eighties, members of the Oglala Lakota college had shared his genealogy with me, and that I have long known that to the Lakota people, he is a joke: his father was born of a marriage between a white man and a Crow woman, and his mother is a Yankton individual, a NAKOTA and not a Lakota. Indeed this signifies that all his rantings about being an OGLALA LAKOTA PATRIOT have no validity whatsoever, as he is part white , part Crow and part Nakota, not an Oglala for sure, not even a Lakota. I have not heard from him since.

    In one stroke, I dismissed all his claims to representation of Lakota people, claims which are fictitious to the people in the know, traditional people of the Lakota nation, and can only try to fool poor souls in search of Indian gurus or fake wisdom
