Monday, March 28, 2011

White buffalo calf pipe song

Marie Elk Head Fiddler speaks truth on White Buffalo Calf Pipe

Blood Quantum of American Indian Movement Leaders | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Blood Quantum of American Indian Movement Leaders Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog


Phil Lane Jr. is Bahai by faith, and has been for at least the last 40 years, Phil Jrs support of Arvol Looking Horse is mute, and his endorsement of Looking Horse means nothing, because being a Traditional Lakota, and the associated values that encompass being a Traditional Lakota was not of interest to Phil Lane Jr, with his preference of being of the Bahai faith, which his Father Phil Lane Senior did not participate in.
If you are not a Traditional Lakota by faith yourself, you havent any right to force feed the public the biggest FRAUD in history about Arvol Looking Horse being a Chief of the Tetuwan Nations, & being the 19th Generation White Buffalo Calf Pipe Keeper, along with the Native American Indian research studies academics who are also involved in this fraud, and did not do the due dilligence in finding out the truth before giving the Smithsonian Wilbur Riegerts copyrighted photos enabling this fraud to perpetuate since Martha Bad Warriors death.
All one has to do is to watch the Marie Elk Head Fiddlers UTube video about Arvol Looking Horse and his Father, Stanleys dillima when in 1972 AIM was looking for the Cannunpa Wakan (Sacred Pipe) that the Looking Horse Family had been lying about having for years, since Oct 1936 to be exact, the Looking Horses took an ordinary Pipe off their homes wall, & said this is It to AIM!!!
In the fall of 1936, Lucy Looking Horse took her Mother, Martha Bad Warrior out onto the prairie at the onset of winter, and left Martha there in a tipi to die, which Martha did die of exposure in Oct 1936, at nearly a hundred years of age.
All the while Lucy Looking Horse moved into her Mother, Martha Bad Warriors nice little home, & took Marthas identity, and began charging to see the Pipe Lucy claimed was the Sacred Pipe.
Only Martha Bad Warrior had forseen what was coming & had already transfered the Cannunpa Wakan (Calf Pipe) to someone she trusted, and knew would make sure the original White Buffalo Calf Pipe was safe & used properly for the good of all mankind.
If it had not been for Wilbur Riegert recording the last telling of the discription, origin, linage and ceremonial use of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe(s), Buffalo Legbone and the Catlinite (Pipestone) Cannunpa Wakans by Martha Bad Warrior in Aug 1936, the truth & all this priceless information would have been lost.
This information is what academia chose to overlook.
READ Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee, the truth is there for you to see for yourself!!!
The reason Martha Bad Warrior was left to die by her Family was because Martha stated in Aug 1936 to all the Tetuwans assembled for the occasion, that no one in her Family was WORTHY to carry the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, because Martha Bad Warriors Family was becoming Christianized.
So CANADA…where the next round of speaking engagements by Looking Horse are being given, Phil Lane Jrs support of Arvol Looking Horse as the 19 Generation White Buffalo Calf Pipe Keeper, with Phil Lane Jrs Bahai faith as the faith Phil Lane Jr believes and follows, Phil Jr has no right or standing among the Tetuwan Nations to promote this historic fraud by Looking Horse, or continue to enable Looking Horse after the Lakota Elders from Looking Horses own Lakota Tribe has denounced him, along with the Elk Head-Bad Warriors.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Video UTube links on of Looking Back Woman

More links to the truth…lets find the remains of Ray Robinson at Wounded Knee for his family to have closure | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

More links to the truth…lets find the remains of Ray Robinson at Wounded Knee for his family to have closure Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Reputable links to info on Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree-HakiktaWin


Looking Back Woman received her first pipe at the ceremonies conducted by Frank Fools Crow in Green Grass, S.D. He did these ceremonies from 1970-1975. - Cached - Similar

Letter from the Trimbachs to the City Council of Berkeley about getting the facts about Peltier correct….Peltier is not a political prisoner, but a cold blooded, unrepentant AIM murderer!!! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Letter from the Trimbachs to the City Council of Berkeley about getting the facts about Peltier correct….Peltier is not a political prisoner, but a cold blooded, unrepentant AIM murderer!!! Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Anna Mae Aquash-Pictous daughter Denise and Paul Demains speaking engagement | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Anna Mae Aquash-Pictous daughter Denise and Paul Demains speaking engagement Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Monday, March 21, 2011

HakiktaWin-Looking Back Woman: Murder and Usurpation of Power by AIM

HakiktaWin-Looking Back Woman: Murder and Usurpation of Power by AIM: "← The Fake Hollyweird IndianThe Trimbachs and Adrienne Riegert Fritze are available for speaking engagements… →Murder and Usurpati..."

HakiktaWin-Looking Back Woman: Blood Quantum of American Indian Movement Leaders ...

HakiktaWin-Looking Back Woman: Blood Quantum of American Indian Movement Leaders ...: "Blood Quantum of American Indian Movement Leaders Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog"

Why Dennis Banks & AIM, why not the Trimbachs on Kelly & Regis… | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Why Dennis Banks & AIM, why not the Trimbachs on Kelly & Regis… Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

The year Frank Fools Crow named me Looking Back Woman-Hakikta... on Twitpic

The year Frank Fools Crow named me Looking Back Woman-Hakikta... on Twitpic

Hacking of Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree-HakiktaWin so you cant see the truth!!!

Hackers have made it so you will not be able to have the truth on this blog as it is immediate and touches so very many people that it will affect the donations that are collected by AIM and Arvol Looking Horse.
I will keep trying to provide you with up to date information despite what the hackers are trying to do.

Have Kelly & Regis along with their program manager lost their minds supporting the American Indian Movement....

Have Kelly & Regis along with their program manager lost their minds…

The butcher of Wounded Knee blends in with the Regis and Kelly crowd….
James Simon
The media & Hollyweird have supported the American Indian Movements lying, cheating, murdering, raping and stealing from their own people long enough!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Guess you would know way better than Frank Fools Crow or John Fire Lame Deer! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Guess you would know way better than Frank Fools Crow or John Fire Lame Deer! Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

The truth to the Frauds and Hoaxsters is a shot to the chops!!! Read and Weep!!! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

The truth to the Frauds and Hoaxsters is a shot to the chops!!! Read and Weep!!! Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Hold this in your hearts and thoughts…. | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Hold this in your hearts and thoughts…. Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Hold this in your hearts and thoughts…. | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Hold this in your hearts and thoughts…. Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Tetuwan Lakota Matriarchy!!!! Been here forever…forgetting that is what happens when you are an Urban Militant Terrorist Lakota!!! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Tetuwan Lakota Matriarchy!!!! Been here forever…forgetting that is what happens when you are an Urban Militant Terrorist Lakota!!! Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

A history and record of AIMs lies and deceipt…read it!!! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

A history and record of AIMs lies and deceipt…read it!!! Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blood Quantum of American Indian Movement Leaders | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Blood Quantum of American Indian Movement Leaders Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

The truth is becoming more powerful & self evident! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

The truth is becoming more powerful & self evident! Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

A Journal of lies & Deception by Arvol Looking Horse | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

A Journal of lies & Deception by Arvol Looking Horse Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Decifering the truth from ALHs deception and lies. | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Decifering the truth from ALHs deception and lies. Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Lakota Chants from John Fire Lame Deer, listen to the words Mitakuye Yapi! | Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

Lakota Chants from John Fire Lame Deer, listen to the words Mitakuye Yapi! Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree blog

HakiktaWin-Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree WordPress blog new posts

Recent Posts

Read this new information as a response to Arvol Looking Horses March 2011 statement about Tetuwan Ceremony and participation of non-Tetuwan people.
We must remember these Sacred Lifeways were for the good of all mankind regardless of race, creed, color, gender or blood quantum, any other way, and the true agenda of offenders is to control that which is Sacred, and keep it from all others for personal profit.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

More lies and Propaganda by AIM

More lies and propaganda by AIM

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics by Ward Churchill
“Jim Vander Wall and I have used the figure of 69 as the minimum number of AIM members and supporters murdered on the Pine Ridge Reservation from mid-1973 to mid-1976.”–Ward Churchill in From a Native Son. p. 256. 1996.
“[I]n the post-Wounded Knee context of South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Lakota Reservation, independent researcher Candy Hamilton established that at least 342 AIM members and supporters were killed by roving death squads aligned with and supported by the FBI. (The death squads called themselves GOONs, “Guardians of the Oglala Nation.”) This was between 1973 and 1976 alone.—Ward Churchill, 1985 and 1996.
[See Churchill's CV.]
In May 2000, the Minneapolis FBI published a document called “Accounting for Native American Deaths.” I wrote about this document here.
The FBI document stated that unsubstantiated allegations about the FBI had eroded the trust of Indian people:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation and its Agents in South Dakota can only operate effectively where we have the trust and help of the American people. For South Dakota, much of our work revolves around crimes occurring in Indian Country. The trust and help of reservation residents are vital to the accomplishment of our sworn duty.
For many years, rumors of unresolved murders of Native Americans have come to our attention. At times, these allegations represented that there were hundreds of murdered Native Americans that had not been investigated by the FBI. [full text]
After the FBI published this document in May 2000, Ward Churchill [who was finally fired from his professorship at the University of Colorado in Boulder on July 24, 2007, for research misconduct] wrote a rebuttal to the FBI document called Analysis and Refutation of the FBI’s ‘Accounting’ for AIM Fatalities on Pine Ridge, 1973-1976.”
Churchill’s so-called “refutation” claimed:
[T]his [is] by no means “the first time” the FBI has had an opportunity to address the list of names and allegations in question. Along with Jim Vander Wall, I initially assembled it in 1987 from fragmentary records provided by Bruce Ellison, Ken Tilson and Candy Hamilton, all former members of the Woun[d]ed Knee Legal Defense / Offense Committee (WKLDOC). A portion of it was then published in my and Vander Wall’s 1988 Agents of Repression (pp. 184-88), the first six copies of which book were acquired by the FBI library in Washington, DC. Refined and expanded in 1989, the list was then published again in my and Vander Wall’s book The COINTELPRO Papers (pp. 393-4), copies of which were also acquired by the FBI library. The same list was also published as an attachment to an essay included in my 1994 Indians Are Us? (pp. 197-205), and still again in my 1996 From A Native Son (pp. 257-60). It has, moreover, been in continuous distribution by the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (LPDC) for the past six years. [Until recently, the "Leonard Peltier Defense Committee Statement in Reply to FBI's Accounting of Unsolved Deaths on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (1973-1976)" was posted here, but strangely there is only a coupon for Petsmart on that site. The Google cache is still available. The red highlighting is mine; see full text]
Ward Churchill is not being very sincere when he claims that he “initially assembled [a list of Indians allegedly murdered by FBI-backed GOONS] in 1987 from fragmentary records,” because in 1985, Ward Churchill published an article in the Covert Action Information Bulletin that claimed that the FBI backed death squads that killed 342 Indians. [See my original treatment of this issue here.] The article was titled “The Covert War Against Native Americans.” This article is listed in Churchill’s CV under a slightly different title:
Special focus section on repression of the American Indian Movement, including two feature pieces (“The Covert War Against American Indians”[pp. 16-21] and “The Strange Case of ’Wild Bill’ Jank-low” [pp. 22-4]) and three sidebars (“Profile of an Informer” [pp. 18-21], “Dennis Banks” [p. 24] and “The FBI at Pine Ridge: 1973-1976” [pp. 26-7, 29]), CovertAction Information Bulletin, No. 24 (July 1985) pp. 16-29. (The late William Kunstler also contributed an article titled “The Ordeal of Leonard Peltier” to the section [pp. 25-9]). [Cited from Ward Churchill's CV.]
Churchill’s 1985 article in the C.A.I.B., which claimed that FBI-backed death squads killed 342 Indians, was even republished in January 1996 as “The Covert War Against Native Americans” by a Canadian publication called Arm the Spirit. It is still on the Internet here and listed in Churchill’s CV:
“The Covert War Against Native Americans,” Arm the Spirit, Jan. 1996.
My point is this: in 1985 Churchill claimed that FBI-backed death-squads killed 342 Indians. In his 1988, 1989, 1994, and 1996 books that Churchill cites as evidence in his refutation to the FBI, Churchill provided much the smaller number of a minimum of 69 murders, a figure in line with his “Analysis and Refutation of the FBI’s ‘Accounting’ for AIM Fatalities on Pine Ridge, 1973-1976.”
For example, in his 1988 book Agents of Repression, Churchill’s list doesn’t have 342 names, and on page 175 Churchill writes:
The GOONs’ anti-AIM activities on Pine Ridge underwent a continuous escalation in scope and virulence through the period of greatest FBI activity on Pine Ridge, roughly mid-1973 to late-1976. During this approximate three-year span, at least sixty-nine AIM members and supporters were to die violently on and around Pine Ridge, while more than 300 were physically assaulted and, in many cases, shot. Virtually all of these murders and assaults are attributed to the GOONs and their counterparts in the BIA police.
In footnote 156, which follows this passage, Churchill claimed:
These data are the compilation of former WKLDOC researcher Candy Hamilton, who performed site investigations at the time of the actual events; Hamilton suggests that her information is “undoubtedly incomplete.” FBI and BIA documents bear out much of the substance of her records. [Agents of Repression p. 426]
In 1996, Churchill published From a Native Son and claimed on page 256 that a minimum of 69 Indians were murdered by FBI-backed GOONS. On page 256 Churchill cited the books he noted in his refutation to the FBI:
In our books Agents of Repression (South End Press, 1988) and The COINTELPRO Papers (South End Press 1990) Jim Vander Wall and I have used the figure of 69 as the minimum number of AIM members and supporters murdered on Pine Ridge Reservation from mid-1973 to mid-1976.
Yet in the very same year that he published From a Native Son (1996), Churchill again let Arm the Spirit republish the fantastic figure of 342 Indians killed by FBI-backed death squads, and listed this article in his CV.
I think that even Churchill’s more modest statistics are fabricated and that the Minneapolis FBI document is an an honest accounting.
In a later post, I will tell what Joseph Trimbach [search my posts that mention Trimbach], the retired FBI agent who authored The American Indian Mafia, says about Churchill’s apocryphal account of the GOONs. The book even has its own site:
Thank-you Snapple for having this priceless information on your blog THE LEGEND OF PINE RIDGE!!

Murder and Usurpation of Power by AIM

Murder and Usurpation of Power by AIM

Excerpts fro American Indian Mafia, and courtesty of Snapples 2008 blog on AIMs lies and propaganda.
“[AIM] took complete control of the telephone service and local residents were not permitted to answer any of the phones. When my phone would ring, an armed guard would immediately answer the phone and direct the call over to the trailer house (Wilbur Riegerts home, author of Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee) where Banks, Means, and Bellecourt were located…” Agnes Gildersleeve (See Trimbach p. 88)
When the American Indian Movement (AIM) terrorists took over the Indian village of Wounded Knee in February 1973, they robbed Agnes and Clive Gildersleeve’s Trading Post and held them hostage. Agnes was a 68-year-old Chippewa Indian; her husband was white. They had spent most of their lives in Wounded Knee.
The Gildersleeve’s store was looted by AIMsters and some villagers of about 150,000 dollars worth of merchandise, and the elderly couple were kidnapped by the AIM terrorists and held hostage in the basement of a church.
AIM’s mouthpiece Ward Churchill is a discredited former Colorado professor and a white man who masquerades as an Indian. Ward Churchill claims in his book Agents of Repression (1988 p. 143) that the Gildersleeves were white.
Perhaps Ward Churchill thought that people would not listen to the eyewitness account of an elderly Indian grandmother if he claimed she was white.
Read how Churchill describes the terrorist take-over of an American Indian town and then compare his whitewash with Mrs. Gildersleeve’s eyewitness testimony of her ordeal at the hands of the AIMsters.
Ward Churchill, who claims he defends fellow Indians, describes AIM’s reign of terror on the night of February 27, 1973 as if it were a slumber party:
“They [AIM] settled in for the night in a local church and the trading post of Clive and Agnes Gildersleeve (government chartered white traders who had long been accused of ‘ripping off’ reservation Oglalas)” (Joseph H. Trimbach. American Indian Mafia, p. 374. Citing Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall’s 2002 edition of Agents of Repression, p. 143).
The former Special Agent in Charge of the Minneapolis FBI, Joseph H. Trimbach, writes that although Ward Churchill claims that the Trading Post was “government chartered,” the AIMsters who destroyed it justified their actions by claiming that the store operated without a government license (375).
In my opinion, the AIMsters just wanted to steal, and since Judge Fred Nichol ruled in his court that most Indian property is nothing but junk of little monetary value, the AIMsters were free to steal from poor Indian people and go unpunished.
According to the statement that Agnes Gildersleeve gave to the FBI on March 8, 1973, AIMsters knocked on their door late at night and said, “You are to consider yourself a political prisoner and hostage” (Trimbach p. 87). The terrorists put guards on her house and moved into her kitchen.
On the third day, the Gildersleeves were taken from their house and held captive in the basement of the church. The day before they were moved to the church, an AIM woman came to the house and told Agnes’ captors, “You have orders to shoot all hostages” (Trimbach p. 87).
While Gildersleeves were held captive in the basement of the church, AIMsters searched their home looking for guns and stole their property. The so-called Indian activists even took Mrs. Gildersleeve’s diamond wedding ring set and Indian jewelry (Trimbach p. 87).

AIMster Russell Means, who would later achieve international reknown as the voice of Powhatan in the Disney cartoon Pocahontas, took over the trailer home of a man confined to a wheelchair named Wilber Reigert. The terrorists pushed Wilber out of his home and made this disabled man’s home the terrorists’ headquarters (Trimbach p. 87).
They rummaged through Wilber Reigert’s documents and stole his Indian antiques. AIMsters stole or or vandalized the people’s art and private property. See here and here.
The elderly Gildersleeves settled down (as Ward Churchill would say) on a church bench all night and awaited their fate. Their captors insulted them and ordered: “If you want to get up you ask us, we will let you know” (Trimbach p. 87).
Agnes was told by one of her captors, “We want [Tribal Chairman] Dickie Wilson out and Russell Means in” (Trimbach p. 87). More about Russell Means here.
When Gildersleeves were let out of the church, they were told they could leave town if they wanted to, although their car had been confiscated on the day that AIM arrived (Trimbach 88).
Later the Gildersleeve’s ruined car was recovered. It was filled with molotov cocktails (Trimbach 263). Judge Fred Nichol dismissed the charge of the theft of the Gildersleeve’s car partly because the elderly Agnes Gildersleeve had not resisted armed terrorists when they demanded her car keys.
Judge Fred Nichol also claimed that their three-year-old car was probably not worth much because cars on Indian reservations tend to be junkers; thus, their car would not be worth much since it was near worthless cars: “Anyone familiar with reservation conditions knows full well that a fairly new car , even if in running condition, might not be worth $100. The jury cannot be permitted to speculate as to an element of a criminal offense. The motion for judgement of aquittal as to Count VIII is granted” (Trimbach 263).
Judge Fred Nichol basically ruled that even if Indians had something nice that it was worthless because it was near worthless property. This meant that criminals could steal or destroy Indian property and not be punished for a serious crime.
I wonder if Judge Fred Nichol would rule like this if Ward Churchill’s truck got ruined on an Indian reservation? Would his truck be valued at less than $100 because it was parked near Indian junkers? Or the corollary: If Ward Churchill drives a junker, I suppose it is deemed to be an expensive junker because he lives among wealthy people.
The elderly Agnes Gildersleeve decided to stay in her home in order to protect her property and was guarded by AIMsters who subjected her to profanity.
The terrorists took away the people’s free speech and their ability to use the telephone to call the outside world for help or to tell their side of the story without coercion. Agnes was interviewed by the media while she was held under the control of her armed captors, so she had to say that she was fine.
When the AIMsters were on trial, their lawyer Mark Lane, claimed that his “right” to speak privately on a party-line phone with his clients had been violated, but Agnes Gildersleeve shows in her statement that the AIM’s hypocritical defense of American Indians’ legal rights is nothing but empty cant:
Heros and role models…NO, NO, NO!!! Hollyweird-Lynne Salt, are you getting the picture yet, you are perpetuating AIM lies and propaganda, endorsing murder, rape, lying and theft…you wasted your money making a movie about these BOYZ!!

More Dupree historical info...about the Cannunpa Wakan

More information of the Dupuis-Dupris-Dupree Family Connection to the Sacred Buffalo Calf Pipe that has been written out of History!

All of this informaton is available in the content of Quest For The Pipe Of The Sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee by Wilbur Riegert, curator for the Wounded Knee Museum during the American Indian Movements occupation of the township of Wounded Knee, and also the allotment agent for the Lakota at the Cheyenne River Agency in the 1930s when he was priviliged to meet and record Martha Bad Warriors origin, linage, ceremonial use of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe(s) in Auguast of 1936, only months before Martha Bad Warrior was left to die on the prairie in a tipi at the onset of winter Oct 1936, for saying no one in her Elk Head-Bad Warrior family was worthy to carry the White Buffalo Calf Pipe because they were becoming Christianized. (Check photos on Twitter to see this evidence).
    It was a matter of only two months from the time I was allowed to meet with Martha Bad Warrior at her home in Green Grass, until she passed away inside a tent pitched at the Larrabee dam. She seemed to know her time on earth was nearing an end. So she prepared for the life and keeping of the Sacred Calf Pipe. You will note from the photographs that the Pipe was not in the wrappings. but some odd pipe stems and a bowl were. The pipe in the hands of Martha was, no doubt, for public occasions. It was evident and I was told she carried the Calf Pipe in her clothing close to her body at all times. She may well have been carrying the Pipe when I photographed her. On display at one time in the museum in Wounded Knee, was a life-size painting made from that photo.
    According to the winter count of 1898. Eli Bad Warrior (as I noted from Martha’s friends and relatives) was one of the Elk Head’s who was keeper before Martha. He was 80 years old when he died. Martha herself was 68 years old in 1905 and was present at the convocation. It could very well have been that she brought the Pipe for the convocation blessing. I have no record of when Elk Head passed into the Happy Hunting Grounds.
    This bit of information would be enough to solve the problem of who was present at the assembly. Andrew Dupris gave me the distinct impression that it was Martha Bad Warrior who brought the Pipe. He himself had been present then in 1905. I was careless in failing to get the day of Elk Head’s death. The fact that the Pipe was there in 1905 is the main point of my story, nonetheless.
    It is very important to realize that, because of the stealing of the Pipe in 1898, a protective body of men was selected to be present or nearby the keeper, especially when the Pipe was in evidence. Members to this protectorate were: a Bad Warrior, Elk Head, Two Runs, Straight Head. Crow Eagle, and a Fielder. These men were, it seems, the last to be named to this office, and they served in that capacity for Martha Bad Warrior.
    I met some of them in the fifteen years I lived and worked at the Cheyenne River Agency and throughout that reservation. All these men were present at Martha’s telling of her Story and scattered throughout the crowd. They seemed to feel it their duty to be there. I took note of the many men, women, and children gathered on that occasion. I was also asked to photograph Martha and her relatives. This I did.
    As I stated before, it was a hot day in August, very oppressive especially to an aged woman, but she insisted she would stay in the open. You see her facing the sun; she did so until she finished telling her Story .She wanted to show her people that sacrifice and patience are necessary throughout life so that a person might be able to walk toward Wakantanka, the living and Great Spirit, and that face to face He might hear the words of her lips.
    Martha and her people were apparently satisfied with my presence among them and their witness to my hearing her Story .
    The Story and photographs are simply priceless, and what has here been entrusted to me with such great confidence, with God’s help, will never suffer jeopardy by misuse of trust. The Story bespeaks great faith, sacrifice, and trust in the Great Spirit. These are the spiritual and beneficent guidelines available to all men in whatever predicament, however great and confusing, they might find themselves. We who are Indian can look back to our ancestors and their following of the Great God, Wakantanka, in His teachings and see how His children responded, struggled to answer Him in truth. This quest, for even centuries pursued and in one way or another handed down to us today, is the supreme good for all of mankind.
    This Story of Martha Bad Warrior and her people I have written, the origin and message of the Sacred Calf Pipe. This heritage is such as to be open to the good of all mankind, regardless of race, creed, color, or blood quantums.
    As much as I wanted to stay for the evening prayers at Martha’s home, I felt they wanted to give special attention to their own feelings as members of one large family, and comment on the day’s events, especially the taking of pictures and the briefing on the origin of the Sacred Pipe. I continued taking notes after this meeting with Martha and after her death, and from that day on, important Indian men spoke most freely with me. A kind of new day entered my life on that August Sunday of 1936.
    I then spent several days reminiscing and adding to my notes. This outstanding and unprecedented event’s import was yet unknown to me. Welcome as it was, it was unexpected and I accepted the honor and treasured the confidence. The keeper of the Pipe looks to his own and the Sioux Nation’s good. Things continued to develop.
    Andrew Dupris and his family lived on the Morreau River, in a beautiful spot and in the quarters of a comfortable little home. He gained his livelihood raising cattle, following the example of his parents. He gave his children a similar start in life, and he felt they were well on their own and capable of carIng for themselves. Aurelia, his wife, was a most capable mother to a growing and healthy family. Their houses on the Morreau and in Dupree were homes anyone could enjoy.
    Then, Andrew and his family moved to the Agency where he had a comfortable job. We worked together on a variety of jobs. Among the Indian and many white farmers and ranchers, there were those who remembered the drought of the early 30′s in many a tale.
     So, several days after my experience in the home of Martha Bad Warrior, Andrew and his wife came to me and asked if they could use my car for the evening. This request I granted them immediately. I asked no questions; they offered no reasons for the request. I trusted Andrew completely, for he had proven himself trustworthy as a kinsman ought, just as did the Larrabees, Elk Heads, Iron Lightning, Fielder, and others.
    I often thought of how many of these friendships started. There was only one explanation, it seemed: the part I played in running down information on family trees on the reservation and in supervising the distribution of
food and clothing during the drought.

    It was late at night when Andrew and his wife brought the car back and woke me on their arrival with it. They said they had gone to Martha Bad Warrior at her home in Green Grass. It was a meeting by appointment, they told me. Now, the surprise of a lifetime. They brought forth an object wrapped in a piece of calico stripping. As they unraveled it, they were exposing to me the original Sacred Calf Pipe, for it had the exact markings as were described by Martha and the Beautiful Lady from the sun. I asked Andrew to fill me in with the details.
Andrew said to me that after Martha placed the Pipe in his hands, he and his wife went together out to a high hill near Martha’s home and there paid homage to God in prayer, saluting Him in the four quarters of the universe and directing the Pipe to the North. the East. the South, and the West. Afterwards, bowing in great reverence to the presence of God, they turned and went to the car. From there they drove to where I was, at the Cheyenne River Agency.
“Wilbur,” said Andrew, “rest assured I will leave the Pipe in the hands of a trusted one. He is an Indian and known by many as a true friend of the Indians. I will come back to you soon and talk more about the Pipe and its future.”
(All of the above came from Wilbur A. Riegert’s “Quest For The Pipe Of The Sioux”, As Viewed From Wounded Knee.)
FROM ANDREW DUPRIS TO FRANK FOOLS CROW     It is known that Andrew Dupris passed the C’anupa Wakan, the pipe given to him by Martha Bad Warrior, the pipe Andrew brought and showed to Wilbur A. Reigert, to Frank Fools Crow and Fools Crows Uncle, Nicolas Black Elk, Father of Benjamin Black Elk who named Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree, Lila Wakan when she was three years old in 1958 in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
This is the same Cannunpa Wakan, verified by Beatrice Medicine, Phil Lane Sr, and Paul Manhart SJ that was passed in 1971 to Calvin Dupree, and as a deathbed request from her Father Calvin Dupree passed on the Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree in 1994.
Calvin Duprees last words to his daughter were, as he came out of a coma for only a few moments, go get the Cannunpas from the house, they (Dupree family) are removing my belongings from the house right now, these Cannunpas are the past, present and future of your Nation, DO NOT LET THEM PASS FROM YOUR HANDS!!
Cannunpa wakan wan oyate wicakahi kin heon,
Tokel econ wicasi kin hena ohinniyan ecunk’onpi kte,
Taku sica kin etanhan yuheyab unyuhapi kta.
Lecel ecunk’onpi kta ohinniyan awauncinpi kte.
Pilamayaye lo, Wakantanka.

The Sacred Pipe she gave to Our people
Will always be used as she did tell,
To keep it away from those of evil
To use it in the light of Wakantanka.
This we will strive to do.
Pilamayaye lo Wakantanka.

Links for more Dupuis-Dupris-Dupree Family History information

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree Mission Statement

Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree site Mission Statement…

Our mission statement for the Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree website is to give accurate, truthful and provable Tetuwan historical & spiritual documentation
and information unavailable before now for educational purposes for all of mankind, regardless of race, creed, color, gender or blood quantum.
We are not funded by anyone, all this information, documentation, and archival-research information has been researched with personal
funding provided by the Arnold and Leslie Benjamin Wade Foundation for higher learning, and truthful preservation of historical and spiritual information
outside of academia and governmental control.
We have provided the reader of the site many views, though not necessarily our own, so each individual can make up thier own mind what they wish to believe.
We feel it is each and every persons responsibility, no matter who they are, to make their own decison as what they wish to believe and teach their children.
Our view point here is that of the Old Traditional Tetuwan Elders, and Tetuwan Lifeways not necessarily what contemporary Tetuwans believe today because of the decades old
misinformation, propaganda, and lies of the few who wished to control that which is Sacred.
That which Sacred is not ever controlled by man, only by our Father, Creator.
We do not make any monies off the Trading Post and Trading Post Classifieds, anyone who has items there is there because we know them, and have purchased
their artwork, & handcrafted items ourselves.
Each person who posts there has their own contact information, and does NOT pay a fee for their posting of items to sell.
Each posting listed is decided upon by the site administrator-owner of, and no one else.
This site policy is the same for the links on the Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree site.
Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree does not make any money from the purchase of either John and Joseph Trimbach or Adrienne Riegerts books.
Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree endorses these two fine educational Tetuwan books because they have most accurate information than many other Tetuwan books supported
and used to educate by academia in their teaching Native American Indian Education today, and is a must read for anyone wishing to have a better understanding of how we
arrived where we are today and why.
For further reading of information provided by Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree please be directed to the links to her FaceBook wall, and blog for daily
updates, events, and speaking engagements (times, dates, and availability) at the bottom of the landing page with our other links to sites we support.
Lakota Legand Paint Ranch also has an eco tourism program of a Tipi encampment overlooking Kettle River, riverfront cabins on two miles of private beach, and camping sites available.

Dupuis-Dupris-Dupree Family saved the last of the buffalo from extinction.

buffiloIn 1883 (or possibly earlier) Fred and some of his sons and possibly Basil Clement (Claymore) went on a buffalo hunt for some buffalo calves in order to start a herd to preserve the species from extinction.
By this time the great surrounds of the past were over and we can imagine that the desire to preserve at least a few of these animals so necessary, and so Sacred to the Tetuwan people, was strong.
The group headed northwest from Cheyenne River, and these men were gone for many months and in Montana or near Slim Buttes (reports differ), they located a small herd. They finally secured five calves, (other reports were nine buffalo calves), which were loaded onto the wagons brought for that purpose. The buffalo calves were taken back to pure-blood buffalos. By the time of Fred’s death in 1898 the herd had grown considerably, and was purchased by James (Scotty) Phillip of Fort Pierre.
By 1918 (the herd) had increased to approximately 500 head. The state of South Dakota purchased 46 of these buffalo and transferred them to the State Game Park in Fall River County.
Hearsay has it that Scotty Phillips sold the buffalo to other states and parks also, spreading the original Dupris stock back into many areas where the buffalo once roamed free by the millions.

Twitter Blog is a great place for HakiktaWin-Looking Back Woman to start blogging!

Now there is even more places to follow the one and only HakiktaWin-Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree with the most current and up to date Tetuwan photos and information.
I promise to provide the most accurate, compelling and provable Tetuwan Culture, History and Spirituality information available anywhere.
All now available on Twitter, Twitpics, FaceBook,,, and now TwitterBlog for your enjoyment and awakening to the true Tetuwan Historical events.
When has history ever been so interesting, eh....